prom night

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the night when you realize that

high school is more than just being in class paying attention

getting all dressed up in ridiculous uniform and lining up everyday before class starts

walking past the hall and saying hi to people even though you dont know them that well

asking your teachers for extra credit

dealing with people,

but there comes a moment when it hits you

after this one night,it will all be over.

when all this time you thought that all these things wont matter because eventually these will pass away and you will have to move on to your next chapter of life. 

but then you’re too busy focusing to whats infront of you and forgetting to appreciate the little things that you never realized made you happy.

when the teacher was absent so you and your friends cheered and talked about things,literally all things,anything, then time passed and it was already the next period.

when you saw that one cute guy you like so your friends made fun about it and encourage you to do something. little did you know,it wont happen.

when you worried so much because you didnt have that much of friends and thought too much about what people think of you. it never mattered.

when it was the rough times,fights and beefs,all messed up and things happened,oh how you realized you could have done better.

but then you have your best friends,them,who know so much about you. who are always there for you through the ups and downs,who are there to motivate you and push you to the better. them who made you laugh your ass off with their stupid jokes that only you would understand. even though sometimes we fell apart,but we did get back together in such ways.

remembering when you used to have sleepover and talked for hours,shared memories till God knows what AM. thats when you realized the conversations hit deep. thats when you knew they are real. some said high school bestfriends are unreplacable. i guess thats true. and i dont know for the several years ahead i will find someone like them. time will tell.

and here i am. standing in this such fancy ballroom and such dress i designed myself with my promdate,wondering what will be next. 3 years felt like a week,it isnt for so long that you have to stand on your feet by your very self. memories rewinded like poetry in motion,realizing how thankful you are of people that have become a part of your life,for making you feel things.

so cheers to the sky.

if faith wills,maybe we’ll see each other again.

tout à vous est trop belle


Some things that inspired me today. Remembering the memories,those make me want to travel again. Oh how i miss Europe,.Paris. The surroundings,the people, the arts, are just too mesmerizing to describe in words. I remember visiting the basilica and got stunned of how the arts on the ceilings are made,how every curves and colour are created by passion,a beautiful soul and mind that thrives for art. Being there,seeing it all made me feel things. Its just too beautiful.


because this is my very first post after all, i just want to give an idea and my intentions of making this blog. sometimes i feel inspired and have a lot of thoughts running through,and they need to be expressed into a matter so they wont fade away,and also to make me feel inspired all along.